Friday, August 27, 2010

What the...?

My summer dating spree has been going full force. And naturally, that means more unexplained behavior and new experiences.

A couple of weeks ago I was very excited about the prospect of a new guy. His emails were witty and he was very good looking. There seemed to be some potential. We talked about grabbing drinks on a Monday night. Sunday evening he calls me for the first time...all prior communication had been done through email. I was out so he left me a voicemail. He was saying that a work thing came up for Monday but he might be able to get out of it and if not then we should pick another night that week. It seemed like a legitimate excuse and that he really wanted to still get together. I called him back and left a message saying that I was free one night later that week. Then I never heard from him.


The next couples of nights I noticed that he continued to log into Match but he wasn't communicating with me. Finally by Wednesday he said that he suddenly got really busy with work and he wasn't going to be able to get together and he hopes I had a good weekend. Um...ok. I know that I don't know what's going on in a total strangers life and there could be plenty of reasons he changed his mind but still had time to log onto Match and look for new people. But the only explanation I can see from my perspective is he had a problem with my voice or he didn't like the message that I left him. I suppose I have a unique voice but it's not that bad. I've actually been told my voice sounds like Gwyneth Paltrow. Nice, right? But that was the only new information that he received about me between planning the date and then suddenly running away.

Obviously I'll never know what was actually going through his head, but this is just another example of how I can't take it personally. We can't help what we're attracted to and what turns us on and off. It made me feel like I really did truly learn this lesson about dating and I'm confident enough that I can just brush it off. Several months ago I would have been completely pissed off or offended. Now I honestly don't care and know that it wasn't meant to be.


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